Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Davey Jones wins in a Tie-Break over Minute Monkeys
Davey Jones' Sinister Nunchucks came in first during the flu-ridden, technical-problem prone September 29th Pub Quiz at Scholar's Lounge.
Minute Monkeys came in 2nd (in a tie-break, so they both got the 12 pts for 1st place), and Dead Parrots came in third.
Minute Monkeys and Team Name both got perfect scores on the Championship Round.
Championship points are as follows:
Minute Monkeys....16
Davey Jones (aka Carbonara)....14
Pope's Dopes.....10
Dead Parrots....8
Team Name.....8
Ch-Ch-Chuck's a Duck....7
Last Dance with Mary Janie (aka Colonius Maximus).....5
Stuck in a Corner (aka Steve's Hair)....6
Quizzards of Oz.....1
The Todds.....1
That means after 3 rounds, the Championship League standings are as follows:
La Carbonara.....35
Minute Monkeys.....32
Colonius Maximus....31
Dead Parrots.....20
Jackson 5.....20
Steve's Hair.....18
Ch-Ch-Chuck's a Duck....14
Quizzards of Oz.....13
Pope’s Dopes….12
Team Name.....8
Rockin’ the House…..7
Hey, Teacher.....7
Budgie Smugglers.....3
Salad Dodgers….3
Lost in Translation….2
Team Ramrod.....2
Obama's Mama's.....2
Lost in Translation….2
The Todds
Absolut Magic.....1