Tuesday, December 26, 2006


January Pub Quiz Schedule Set!

Beginning this year, the regular schedule is the Scholar's Lounge Pub Quiz will be on the 2nd Monday of the Month, while the Abbey Theatre Pub Quiz will be on the last Monday of the Month.

Scholar's Lounge Pub will host its first quiz on Monday, January 8th, at 8pm.

Abbey Theatre Pub will host its quiz on Monday, January 29th, at 8 pm.In addition, we will have a special Holiday Quiz on Monday, January 15, at the Scholar's Lounge, in honor of MLK day!

There will be 10 Rounds covering topics like sports, entertainment, and current events.

Teams can have up to 5 members, and the entry fee is €15 a team!

It will be happy hour for the duration of the quiz, and both pubs offers a full menu for your dining needs - sandwiches, potatoes, and traditional American fare like chicken wings are all on offer.

Space is limited. You can reserve your table by replying to this e-mail. Please indicate which quiz(es) you want to play!

Scholars Lounge is right off of Piazza Venezia, at Via del Plebiscito, 101/b (06 69 20 22 08) (by the Gèsu Church)

Abbey Theatre Pub is near P.za Navona, at Via Governo Vecchio 51,53 (06 686 1341)

Hope to see you there!

The Quiz Master

Monday, December 04, 2006


Championship Season Set for 2007!!


This year, we attempt the League Championship. This will not affect how the individual pub quizzes at the Abbey Theatre and Scholar’s Lounge are played, but it will allow regular pub quiz participants to compete against each other “over the season”. At the final pub quiz in May (date TBA), League Championship prizes will be awarded!

1st Prize - €500 Cash
2nd Prize - 5 Bottles of Single Malt Scotch Whisky
3rd Prize - 5 Gallons of Beer

In addition, a prize will be given to the best “foreign language” team: Our season-ending Schwarzenegger Prize!



10 OUT OF 10 1 POINT

Schwarzenegger Prize 2 POINTS

q&a for pub quiz league championship

Question 1: How do we register?

Answer: You play. If you qualify for “Championship Points” at the end of a pub quiz, you will be asked to give a permanent team name, and name a team captain. Your points will then be recorded. There is no extra fee to enter the League Championship

Question 2: We like to change our team name at each quiz. Can we still play for the League Championship?

Answer: Yes. When you first qualify for points, you will be asked to give a permanent team name. If you want to play under another name, tell the Quiz Master that you are “Permanent Team Name playing as ____________”. That way your points will be properly recorded. Just remember, that your points in the League Standing will be recorded under your permanent team name.

Question 3: Look, we really want to win the League Championship, and we suddenly realize that Bobby and Suzy don’t know Algeria from Alzheimer’s. We kicked them off the team. Now they are claiming to be the permanent team name. Can they really claim our points?

Answer: Sadly, some people do take their pub quizzes a bit too seriously. But as long as we get our €15, we tend to ignore the sociopathic tendencies of certain players. The permanent team captain is the constant of the team. Whoever he or she shows up with is the team.

Question 4: If the permanent team captain is the constant, does that mean the captain HAS to play every time?

Answer: No. But please don’t have a mutiny the week the permanent team captain isn’t at the pub.

Question 5: What the hell is the Schwarzenegger Prize?

Answer: Several of the teams which play at a Pub Quiz include a majority of players who do not speak English as a first language. Besides the linguistic issues, they are less likely to get cultural references to the Anglo-Saxon world (Despite constant protests from all sides, the Quiz Master does try to balance questions from North America, the British Isles, and the Antipodes).

Beginning in 2007, each quiz will award a Schwarzenegger Prize for achievement despite a language deficiency.

Also, an end of the year Schwarzenegger Prize will be awarded to the best over-all foreign language team, based on most League Championship Points!

Question 6: How does a team qualify as a “non-English speaking” team?

Answer: The team must have at least 3 members who are not native speakers of English. They should tell the Quiz Master at the beginning of the Quiz they want to compete for the Schwarzenegger Prize.

Question 7: Hey, I saw one team ask to play for the Schwarzenegger Prize, and they are all from Wisconsin! What do I do?

Answer: The Quiz Master is too busy to investigate passports. However, if people want to steal gold medals at the Special Olympics, they are sad and pathetic. Mock them!

For more information, write to romepubquiz@yahoo.com

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